Bismilahirahmanirrahim. Assalammulaikum.
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Monday 14 May 2012

Forgiveness And Acceptance??

When I flashback all the things you did to me, hurting my heart, betrayed my loved you think its easy for me to forget that?? Or you think its easy for me to forgive you?? Not even a glance, boy. You don't even deserved my forgiveness and you don't even deserved true love. True love supposed to be pure, sincere and most important is loyalty. You think what you have done to me, and give me that sweet talk of yours, you think I care to forgive you?? If you're a "MAN" you know exactly what to do, but sadly you don't. Thats why you're just a "BOY". Big applause to you. You called me and act like everything was okay. You said to forget whats done while you're the one who hurt my heart at first place! Ohh I forgot, you're just a boy. You don't even know how to pampered someone's heart, you just keep hurting them more and more until you satisfied. NO, I won't forgive you. Note to self, forgiveness from me was never meant to be yours. I really really wish you'd feel how I felt. Allah knows everything. Allah knows how much I suffered because of you. I just hate you so much that I don't know how to get tired of it. So please, act like you know its your fault, act like you're the one who hurts my feelings, be regret of what you've done towards my heart and one more thing, don't seek for my forgiveness !

I won't seek for you, I won't call you, I won't do anything for you because I'm not yours. I'm Allah's. I'll seek His love so that one day He will sent me someone who will take care of me and love me with all his heart, that is my one and only MAN who I can called him, my husband. InsyaAllah.


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